Client Research Post

I’ll be honest, I had started this project in class and saved a copy, and somehow it didn’t save properly so I had to start again. I realize that I don’t really know what I’m doing with illustrator yet and I was fortunate with trial and error to even get back to what I have now.  What I did create is a draft of a cardboard or paper coaster which hopefully some bars would be willing to use.  While I do think the actual coaster could use some improvement, I do think the concept of creating coasters does fulfill a visual need for our client.  It creates a type of flyer which will stay in front of people for a long time and perhaps target people at a time when they might feel reflective and be wondering about ways they could make their lives more fulfilling. It is purposely simple and consistent with the client’s message which is; if we want to end the larger issue of poverty we need to start tacking it on an individual basis. It is also consistent with the organizations need for help from concerned citizens. To be honest, even if I was a master at Adobe Illustrator I would still keep the coaster very simple.  I think it should look professional but not too professional if that makes sense.  I want the coasters to feel like they were created by real people as part of a grassroots movement and not just paid for and designed by some large professional design outfit.  At the same time, I want to make sure the client feels like they look good enough to represent them.


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